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When using print and seek verification, you will need to take your printed application form together with your original identity documents to an independent Verifying Officer. The Verifying Officer must not be your close relative.
The Verifying Officer will then confirm that they have sighted your documents and will sign your form.
Anyone in one of the following occupations or roles qualifies as a Verifying Officer.
Public officials
- Commissioner for Oaths (or Affidavits or Declarations)
- Justice of the Peace / Notary Public
- Ombudsman / Public Advocate
Parliamentarians and councillors
- Elected Member — Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia or State Parliament or Territory Legislature
- Mayor / Deputy Mayor / Councillor in a local government authority
Courts and law enforcement
- Justice / Judge / Magistrate / Master — any Australian court of law
- Registrar / Clerk / Sheriff / Bailiff — any Australian court of law
- Lawyer (however described) of any Australian jurisdiction
- Police officer (federal or state or territory police force)
Government officials
- Permanent employee of any department or authority of the federal government, state government, or local municipality
- Principal of or Student Counsellor in a school
- School Teacher or University Lecturer (only if employed full-time)
- Commissioned Officer (only if current) — Australian Defence Force
Community leaders
In relation to an Applicant from an Aboriginal community in an isolated or remote location, an individual is a Community Leader if he or she:
- Is a recognised Elder (by others in the community)
- Serves as Chairman, Secretary, or CEO of an incorporated indigenous land council / community council / housing association
- Is Coordinator of an Aboriginal community development program
- Manages or works as the treating health professional in an Aboriginal medical service relevant to the Applicant
- Is the Principal of or a Counsellor in a school in the community
- Minister of Religion
- Has worked for at least five years at Centrelink, or as an agent of Centrelink, or as other government employee.
In relation to any Applicant, this can also be a person who performs the function of:
- A religious leader registered to officiate at marriage ceremonies as a Marriage Celebrant
Medical and allied health professionals
Person currently registered or licensed to practise as:
- Medical Practitioner / Dentist / Veterinary Surgeon
- Nurse / Psychologist
- Physiotherapist / Chiropractor
- Optometrist / Pharmacist
Non-government organisations
The responsible manager within the requesting organisation who is a senior person with responsibility for the applicant.
Other occupations
Tax Agent / Patent Attorney / Accountant (certified or chartered)
Member of the Institution of Engineers / Mining and Metallurgy Institute