Water charges in private rental properties

The landlord must always pay for the sewerage charge on the SA Water bill.

Rates and charges for water are to be paid as agreed between the landlord and tenant. In the absence of an agreement, rates and charges based on the level of consumption are to be paid by the tenant. However, if the consumption is not separately metered other rates and charges are not based on the level of consumption, landlords are responsible for the statutory charges.


Landlords should attach a copy of the bill to the tenant’s invoice when charging for water use and supply. The tenant doesn’t have to pay for water charges if the landlord doesn’t provide a copy of the invoice detailing usage incurred by the tenant within 30 days of the invoice being issued.

No separate water meter

If more than one property is on one meter, a specific term must be written in the agreement explaining how water charges will be shared.

A percentage of the water usage based on the number of properties and number of tenants is a common way to share the charges.

Landlords do not have to pass on water usage charges. Water costs can be considered before the start of the tenancy and included in the rent amount.

No mains water

Properties without mains water should include a water tank that’s suitable for the property. An adequate supply of drinking water must be provided by the landlord and pumps need to be maintained in a reasonable condition.

Gutters and downpipes should be clear from leaves and other debris when rainwater is collected from the roof. Clear instructions must be given to the tenant on how to use equipment, such as pumps, at the start of the tenancy.

Working out water charges

Water billing periods don’t always align with tenancy agreements. The meter reading should be noted on the inspection sheet at the start and end of each tenancy. These readings are used to calculate how much water the tenant used while on the property.

Usage calculator

Use this calculator to quickly estimate water use. Dates are calculated using full calendar days - SA Water usage prices are applied.

Notifying landlords about repairs

The landlord is responsible for excessive water use charges caused by a fault in water infrastructure, equipment or other appliances, fittings or fixtures – as long as the tenant has notified them of any fault they’re aware of. This doesn’t include faults caused by the tenant.

The tenant should advise their landlord immediately about problems such as leaking taps. If they don’t, they might need to pay for increased water costs caused by the leak.

The South Australian Civil and Administrative Authority determines responsibility for water costs if there is a dispute.

Minimum efficiency standards

The landlord must ensure appliances, fittings or fixtures that are installed or replaced comply with minimum energy and water efficiency standards.

Read the standards

Contact CBS Tenancies

Email: CBStenancyadvice@sa.gov.au

Phone: 131 882

GPO Box 965
Adelaide SA 5001

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Page last updated 2 July 2024

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