Disruptive tenants can be evicted from their rental property. The process can be started by anyone who is adversely affected by the behaviour of a tenant. This action should only be taken as a last resort. You must pay a fee to submit an application and you will be expected to appear before a tribunal if the application is accepted.
Who can apply
Anyone who lives in close proximity to the tenant or is otherwise directly and adversely affected by the disruption can apply. This can include:
- the landlord or agent
- neighbours
- local business owners
- strata or community corporation
- a police officer
- an authorised officer from Consumer and Business Services.
An application can be made against a disruptive tenant who rents:
- private rental housing
- public housing
- community housing.
Before you begin
Applications for eviction are the last resort and a serious undertaking. You should only apply if:
- all other avenues of resolution have failed - for example through community mediation services
- you have enough evidence to support your application.
You must submit all relevant evidence with your application. The disruptive tenant has the right to see a copy of all the evidence submitted. You can't submit evidence and ask that it isn't given to them.
Evidence can include:
- testimony given at a hearing by other people who have witnessed disruptive incidents
- statutory declarations or affidavits from people who have witnessed disruptive incidents
- specific details of particular incidents - eg a complaint diary
- written information about the involvement of other agencies - eg letters you received from the Environmental Protection Authority or SA Housing Trust
- police report numbers and statements.
How to apply
Complete an online application at the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) for termination of a tenancy where the tenant's conduct is unacceptable.
Contact CBS Tenancies
Email: CBStenancyadvice@sa.gov.au
Phone: 131 882
GPO Box 965
Adelaide SA 5001