Consent to share personal information

Housing SA collects and uses your personal information to provide you with housing services. Your information is kept secure and may only be shared with another agency if:

  • you give us consent
  • we’re required or authorised to share it by law
  • it’s reasonably necessary to protect government interests, such as public revenue
  • it’s reasonably necessary for the enforcement of criminal law
  • it’s reasonably necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat to someone’s life, health or safety
  • we suspect you’re engaged in unlawful activity.

      You can withdraw your consent at any time - phone Housing SA on 131 299 or email

      If you want Housing SA to discuss your personal information with another person or organisation, use your Housing Connect account to complete the online third party consent form.

      Don't have a Housing Connect account? Set up an account.

      Other ways to give consent

      Related information

      On this site

      Preparing for regular Housing SA home visits

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      Page last updated 13 November 2023

      Provided by:
      SA Housing Authority
      Last Updated:
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      SA.GOV.AU is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © Copyright 2024