Find out about education and training for older people.
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Art Gallery of SA
The Art Gallery offers floor talks, lectures and workshops about their collection and special exhibitions.
Catalyst Foundation
The Catalyst Foundation provides information on lifelong learning including what courses are available in your local area, computer courses for seniors and learning another language.
COTA provides free information and interactive sessions to groups throughout South Australia on a variety of health and wellbeing issues affecting people over 50.
Digital literacy
Most libraries offer digital literacy sessions, at basic, intermediate and advanced levels, which promote fun, welcoming, engaging and flexible learning environments.
Skills support
The Australian government offers skills support for people over 40 years to find a range of programs and initiatives designed to support job pathways.
State Swim
State Swim offers adult swimming classes focused on individual abilities and needs.
Technical and further education (TAFE)
Hobby and professional development short courses are offered at campuses, online and within community facilities.
University of the Third Age (U3A)
U3A provides low-cost educational, creative and leisure opportunities for people over 50 who are no longer in full-time employment. U3A also offers online learning.
Workers' Educational Association (WEA)
WEA offers a variety courses covering a diverse range of subjects including cooking, creative arts, health and lifestyle and languages.