Services are available to help people in personal financial difficulty to address their financial problems, managing the debt and make informed choices about their money in the future.
Financial counselling
The Commonwealth Financial Counselling program provides free counselling to those on a low income experiencing financial difficulties.
The National Debt Helpline is a free, not for profit financial counselling. To talk to a financial counsellor phone 1800 007 007 or chat online. When you call, you'll be transferred to the service in your state.
Use the South Australian Financial Counsellors Association online map to find your nearest free financial counsellor.
Concessions and benefits
See Concessions and benefits for information about concessions on household bills and transport costs, and discounts on products and services.
Reverse mortgages
A reverse mortgage allows you to borrow money using the equity in your home as security. There are risks associated with doing this, and it is recommended that you seek independent financial and legal advice before entering into a reverse mortgage arrangement. Information about reverse mortgages can be found on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's Money Smart website.
Helping family
Helping family financially, while well-intentioned, may create conflict and expose your assets to risk. Each of the three common ways of helping family members financially can adversely affect your assets. You may be asked to:
- act as a guarantor for a family member who is applying for a loan or credit
- provide security in the form of a mortgage (or reverse mortgage) on your house
- provide a loan or a gift of money.
If you are concerned about family pressure, you can contact the Aged Rights Advocacy Service on 8232 5377 for information, or confidential support and advice.
Related information
Other websites
- Financial support and advice - My Aged Care
- Income advice and credit cards - YOURLifeChoices