If you're in a life-threatening or urgent situation, phone Triple Zero (000) and ask for the police.
For non-urgent police attendance phone 131 444.
- Call the 24 hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line on 1800 800 098 for crisis counselling, support and referral to safe accommodation.
- 1800RESPECT - phone 1800 737 732 for sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling.
- Women's Information Service - phone 8303 0590 for referrals to domestic violence services and for safety information.
- The bilingual bicultural staff of Migrant Women's Support Program (MWSP) work with migrant women and children of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in unsafe relationships - phone 8152 9260 or contact@womenssafetyservices.com.au, Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Information about domestic violence and pregnancy and a list of support services available in South Australia - Women's and Children's Health Network.
Sexual assault
- Yarrow Place - phone 8226 8777 or toll-free 1800 817 421 (after hours 8226 8787) for services for rape and sexual assault victims.
- 1800RESPECT - phone 1800 737 732 for sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling.
- MensLine Australia - phone 1300 78 99 78 to manage conflict and anger, relationship issues and violence in the home.
- 1800RESPECT - phone 1800 737 732 for sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling.
- Men's Referral Service - phone 1300 766 491 - works with men who use family violence, and the sector that supports them to change their abusive and violent behaviour.
- Kids Helpline - phone 1800 55 1800 for a free and confidential counselling service for young people from 5-25
- The Line - information about healthy relationships.
- Services, support lines and resources for teens - Women's and Children's Health Network.
- QLife services are free and include both telephone and webchat support, delivered by trained LGBTI community members across the country - phone 1800 184 527 or webchat counselling service for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people, families and friends from 3:00 pm to midnight.
- SA Abuse Prevention phone line - 1800 372 310
- Help and advice for seniors
- Aged Rights Advocacy Service - promoting and protecting the rights of older people.
Legal support
- Legal Services Commission of South Australia - phone 1300 366 424 for free preliminary legal information, advice and referrals, help with intervention and tenancy orders.
- Women's Legal Service - phone 8231 8929 for free legal advice and information.
- Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service provides legal help across South Australia - phone 1800 246 642 or visit the website.
- Victim support groups - organisations that offer help to victims of crime.
Related information
On this site
- A person who fears they are at risk of domestic violence can find out if their partner or former partner has a history of abusive or violent behaviour by making a domestic violence disclosure request.
- What if you need to move due to domestic violence?
- Homelessness service provider directory
Other websites
- Domestic violence - SA Police
- Forms of domestic violence - Women's Safety Services SA
- The RSPCA Safe Kennels Project provides emergency boarding for the pets of people affected by domestic violence - phone 1300 477 722