Register a birth

Babies born in South Australia must be registered with Consumer and Business Services (CBS) within 60 days of their birth.

The hospital will not do this for you.

Registering your baby is free. If you need a birth certificate, you can apply for one when you register the birth. The fee for a standard certificate is $62.50.

We also provide information in your language about how to register your baby online.

A birth certificate will allow your child to apply for:

  • healthcare and other government services
  • entry into school
  • an Australian passport.

Other ways to register

What you'll need

Child and parent details

You'll need to provide details about the baby and the parents. You can find some of this information - such as baby’s birth weight, doctor/midwife details - in the Blue Book given to you by the hospital.

You don’t have to complete the online form in one go. You can save the form and carry on where you left off for up to 48 hours.

Refer to the factsheet One Parent Registering the Birth of a Child if there are 2 parents of the child but only 1 parent is registering the birth.

Proof of identity

Parents listed on the online birth registration must upload a copy of their Australian passport, Australian driver’s licence or Centrelink and Medicare cards.

Mobile phone

Parents listed on the online birth registration must have a mobile phone and be able to respond to SMS messages.

If you don’t have the required ID documents or a mobile phone, you can still register your baby online. You will be emailed a PDF which must be printed and signed by the parents listed on the online birth registration.

Children conceived through a fertilisation procedure

If your baby was conceived through a fertilisation procedure and you record a donor on the online birth registration, the donor must have a mobile phone which can receive SMS messages and be able to upload a copy of their Australian Passport, Australian driver’s licence or Centrelink and Medicare cards.

If the donor doesn’t have the required ID documents or a mobile phone, you can still register your baby online. You will be emailed a PDF which must be printed and signed by the parents and donor listed on the online birth registration.

Information in your language

Contact Births, Deaths and Marriages

Phone: 131 882
International: +61 8 8204 8532

GPO Box 1351
Adelaide SA 5001

Contact Births, Deaths and Marriages

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Page last updated 4 March 2024

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