Proving you're single

Some countries need proof that you are not, or have not already been married.

This is called a single status certificate.

If you were born or currently live in South Australia, we can search the marriage register and provide a certificate that states there's no record of a marriage in your name in SA.

If you weren’t born in SA, we can only search the marriage register for the period you were living here.

You'll need to upload scanned or photographed images of your identity documents.

If your documents are in another language, they must be translated into English by an accredited translator

The cost is $67.50 for each 10 year search period.

Other ways to apply

1. Fill out the form

Complete and sign the SA marriage search application form (PDF 53KB)

2. Lodge your application

Post the form, supporting documents and payment to:

Births, Deaths and Marriages
Consumer and Business Services
GPO Box 1351
Adelaide SA 5001

If your application is urgent you can lodge it at the CBS Customer Service Centre. There's an additional fee for urgent applications.

Page last updated 4 March 2024

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Attorney-General's Department
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