Government departments hold a large collection of records that may help you research your family history.
- Births, Deaths and Marriages - certificates
- State Records SA - records of state and local government.
You can apply for a digital image of a historical certificate which may help you research your family history.
Anyone has access to:
- birth certificates more than 100 years old
- death certificates more than 30 years old
- marriage certificates more than 75 years old.
You’ll need to provide basic information about the family history search, such as names and dates of birth. We'll then conduct a search and email you a digital image of the certificate if a record is found.
Births, deaths and marriages
Births, Deaths and Marriages don't provide an online search facility, however some records are also available from Genealogy SA, who provide family history research services with a strong South Australian emphasis.
More detail has been recorded on certificates over the years. Use the tables below to see if a certificate includes the information you need.
Information included on birth certificates
Detail | Year of appearance |
Date of birth | 1842 |
Place of birth | 1908 |
Name | 1842 |
Sex | 1842 to 1907, then since 1980 |
Mother’s name | 1842 |
Mother’s age | 1908 to 1992 |
Mother’s date of birth | 1993 |
Mother’s residence | 1908 |
Mother’s birthplace | 1908 |
Mother’s occupation | 1993 |
Father’s name | 1842 |
Father’s age | 1908 to 1992 |
Father’s date of birth | 1992 |
Father’s residence | 1908 |
Father’s birthplace | 1908 |
Father’s occupation | 1842 |
Year of parent’s marriage | 1908 to 1979 |
Number of previous issue, living and deceased | 1908 |
Informant | 1842 |
Date and place of parent’s marriage | 1980 |
Name and date of birth of previous issue, living and deceased | 1993 |
Information included on death certificates
Detail | Year of appearance |
Date of death | 1842 |
Name | 1842 |
Sex | 1842 |
Age | 1842 |
Place of death | 1908 |
Profession | 1842 |
Usual residence | 1842 |
Cause of death | 1842 |
Place of death | 1842 |
Informant | 1842 |
Birthplace | 1908 |
Length of residence | 1908 |
Age at marriage | 1908 |
Number of issue, living and deceased | 1908 |
Place of burial | 1948 |
Marital status | 1968 |
Name of spouse | 1968 |
Date of birth | 1990 |
Parent’s names | 1993 |
Name, date of birth of issue, living and deceased | 1993 |
Information included on marriage certificates
Detail | Year of appearance |
Date and place of marriage | 1842 |
Bride and groom's names | 1842 |
Bride and groom’s ages | 1842 |
Bride and groom's rank (occupation) | 1842 |
Signatures and descriptions | 1842 |
Name of clergyman | 1842 |
Condition (marital status) | 1868 |
Trade | 1857 |
Residence | 1857 |
Father's names | 1857 |
Bride and groom's place of birth | 1908 |
Bride and groom's country of birth | 1908 |
Mother's names | 1964 |
State Records
State Records holds archival records created by state and local governments in South Australia.
The records include:
- schools
- hospitals
- jails/gaols
- asylums
- immigration and emigration
- railways
- local government
- inquests
- deceased estates
- employment within government.
Contact State Records of South Australia for help researching your family history.
People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island descent can ask for help by making an Aboriginal access inquiry.
Related information
Other websites
- Family history service - State Library of South Australia
- National Archives of Australia - search online for records with a specific focus on family members who served in the Australian armed forces and those who migrated to Australia in the 20th century