Around 10% to 16% of learners experience barriers to learning, and every learner is different. Some barriers might be associated with:
- developmental delay
- poor coordination involving fine and gross motor skills
- emotional difficulties or trauma
- lack of appropriate educational and social connections
- interrupted schooling
- health issues
- ineffective instruction
- inadequate exposure to necessary curricula.
What is a learning disability
About 3% to 5% of learners have academic skills that are significantly below what’s expected for their age and ability.
Learning disabilities are legally recognised as disabilities and covered by legislation including the:
Common learning disabilities include:
- Dyslexia - difficulty with reading, spelling and written language.
- Dysgraphia - difficulty with written expression, including spelling, handwriting and written composition.
- Dyscalculia - problems understanding mathematics and quantitative thinking.
- Dysphasia - an oral language disorder that affects speech and comprehension.
If you have concerns
If you have concerns about your child's learning or your child has been identified as having a disability or learning difficulty:
- organise a time to speak with your child’s teacher
- take reports and other information about your child to the discussion
- bring a support person, such as a friend or relative to support you if you want to
- give examples of your concerns
- plan some agreed actions
- if you still have concerns, arrange to meet with the preschool director or school principal.
Support programs and services
Preschools and schools can support the education of children and students with a learning difficulty through the development of a personalised learning plan.
Schools can also offer modified subjects and special provisions for students doing SACE. Talk to your school for more information.
Out of school hours care (OSHC) and vacation care services can provide additional staffing to help with the inclusion of children with additional needs or disabilities.
Learning and teaching materials and specialised services are available from Statewide Inclusive Education Services. For more information phone 8235 2871.
Related information
On this site
Other websites
- Disability support at preschool & kindergarten - Department for Education
- Disability support at school - Department for Education