Emergency detour routes

Information about emergency detour routes that may be in place during a highway closure.

South Eastern Freeway - National Highway M1

If the South Eastern Freeway is closed between Adelaide and Murray Bridge, hinged signs will be opened to indicate which freeway exit motorists should take.

Signs on the exit ramps will indicate which route (D1 or D2 or D3 or D4) motorists should follow.

The emergency detour route will be signed with route markers along its length.

Motorist should be aware that some of the detours will add considerable distance and travel time to their journey.

Emergency detour maps from Adelaide to Murray Bridge (611.0 KB PDF)

Dukes Highway - National Highway A8

If the Dukes Highway is closed between Tailem Bend and Tintinara, hinged detour signs will be opened to indicate a suitable route for all vehicles to follow.

Motorists following the signed emergency detour route will be returned to the Dukes Highway.

Motorists should be aware that some of the detours will add considerable distance and travel time to their journey.

Emergency detour maps for Tailem Bend to Tintinara (234.5 KB PDF)

If the Dukes Highway between Tintinara and the Victorian border is closed, the following maps will assist motorists to navigate around the incident.

These routes do not have hinged detour signs installed at this time.

Motorists should be aware that some of the detours will add considerable distance and travel time to their journey.

Emergency detour maps for Tintinara to the Victorian border (394.1 KB PDF)

Sturt Highway - National Highway A20

These routes do not have hinged detour signs installed at this time.

Motorists should be aware that some of the detours will add considerable distance and travel time to their journey.

Emergency detour maps for Truro to Meringur (Vic) (956.6 KB PDF)

Contact Traffic Management Centre



GPO Box 1533
Adelaide SA 5000

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Page last updated 12 January 2024

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