From 16 November 2023, an individually constructed vehicle (ICV) that is not a production vehicle, modified production vehicle or a production vehicle which has had the body or chassis replaced, may be eligible for the Conditional Registration Scheme if it is constructed by an individual typically as a one-off type vehicle built to an individual plan or design.
The Conditional Registration Scheme (the Scheme) offers reduced vehicle registration fees in exchange for limited road access each year. It is offered to vehicles that are historic, left-hand drive, street rod or individually constructed vehicles (ICVs) that meet the eligibility conditions.
Vehicles are exempt from registration and stamp duty on compulsory third-party insurance fees. You only pay a compulsory third-party insurance premium, administration fees, and a reduced emergency services and lifetime support levy.
The Code of Practice for Club Registration (931.9 KB PDF) (1.3 MB PDF) for the Scheme should be read alongside the requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959, the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010, the Road Traffic Act 1961, and associated regulations and the Australian Design Rules. Copies of the South Australian legislation are available at
Who can apply
Applicants must be a financial member of a recognised motor vehicle club and be the registered owner of an eligible vehicle.
The following conditions apply to vehicles registered under the Scheme for historic, left-hand drive, street rods and ICVs.
- The vehicle cannot be driven for a fee, hire or reward.
- The owner of the vehicle must be a financial member of a recognised motor vehicle club.
- Before the start of each journey, details of the journey must be recorded in a logbook.
- The owner must make their vehicle available for inspection at the request of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles or their recognised motor vehicle club.
- The vehicle can only be driven on a road for up to 90 days during any 1 year period of registration.
Logbooks must be:
- issued by recognised motor vehicle clubs
- in a form approved by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles
- carried in the vehicle at all times while being used on the road.
Definitions under the conditional registration scheme
For the purposes of section 25(1)(a) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 regulation 16 of the Motor Vehicle Regulations 2010 provides the following definitions for conditional registration.
Historic vehicle
A motor vehicle is a historic vehicle if 25 years or more have elapsed since 1 January of the year in which the vehicle was manufactured.
Individually constructed vehicle (ICV)
An individually constructed vehicle is a vehicle that:
- Is a new vehicle that is not a production vehicle, a modified production vehicle, or a production vehicle that has had the body or chassis replaced.
- Is a one-off motor vehicle, including a motor bike, built to an individual plan or design meeting the intent of ADRs applicable at the time of manufacture briefly summarised, but not limited to, the information on ICVs made publicly available by the Department either through fact sheets or on publicly accessible web pages.
- Has a new body and chassis, but sub-assembles and components may be derived from other production vehicles.
- Has its steering not to the left of the centre of its longitudinal axis.
- Is not a trailer.
- Has been issued a new vehicle identification number (VIN).
- Is, but not required to be, a kit car or a replica of a historic (production) vehicle.
- May also include a motor bike or a motor trike.
- Is not a heavy vehicle, with a gross vehicle mass greater than 4,500 kg.
- Has in force a certificate of exemption under section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 from compliance with specified Australian Design Rules or other vehicle standards, or is confirmed as an ICV by DIT’s records.
Prescribed left-hand drive vehicle
A motor vehicle is a left-hand drive vehicle if:
- 25 years or more have elapsed since 1 January of the year in which the vehicle was manufactured
- the vehicle has its steering wheel on the left of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle
- has in force a certificate of exemption under section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 from compliance with specified Australian Design Rules or other vehicle standards.
Street rod vehicle
A street rod vehicle is a vehicle that:
- has a body and frame that were manufactured before 1949, or
- is a replica of a vehicle the body and frame of which were built before 1949
- has been modified by requirements or specifications accepted by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles – eg the ‘National Guidelines for the Construction and Modification of Street Rods in Australia’
- has in force a certificate of exemption under section 163AA of the Road Traffic Act 1961 from compliance with specified Australian Design Rules or other vehicle standards.
How to apply
1. Complete the application forms
- Complete an MR1 application for registration and third party insurance form.
MR1 application form (74.6 KB PDF)
- Obtain a MR334 Approval for registration of a vehicle on the Scheme. This form can only be provided and approved by an authorised person nominated by a recognised motor vehicle club.
- If the vehicle is:
- left-hand drive
- individually constructed
- a street rod
- has been modified from its original design.
Obtain a certificate of exemption issued by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, Vehicle Standards, Kateena Street, Regency Park. Enquiries can be directed to Vehicle Standards or phone 1300 882 248.
2. Lodge the documentation
Lodge the completed documentation at a Service SA centre and pay the prescribed fees.
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Related information
On this site
- Code of practice for historic vehicles, prescribed left-hand drive, street rod and individually constructed vehicles (1.3 MB PDF)
- Fact Sheet - Application for Recognition as an Authorised Historic, Individually Constructed, Left-hand Drive or Street Rod Club for Conditional Registration Purposes. (474.2 KB PDF)
- Application forms and fact sheets - vehicle standards and specifications