Calculate vehicle registration fees

Find out the cost of registration for a vehicle including cars, caravans, motorcycles and trailers. For a vehicle you're thinking of buying or one already registered in your name you can either:

Find out how the registration fee is calculated.

Check other registration fees - transferring registration, number plates, the issuing of replacement registration certificates, and unregistered vehicle permits.

Calculate fees

Estimate the costs for a vehicle you're thinking of buying or one already registered in your name.

Registration fees

These tables provide a guide to registration fees for the most common vehicle types. Actual amounts may vary slightly from the figures shown here.

Fees include:

  • a compulsory third party (CTP) insurance estimate and level 1 administration fee
  • no input tax credit (ITC) entitlement.

Fees don't include:

Select a body type

These fees are effective from 1 July 2024.

Cars, wagons and utes

Sedan or station wagon includes hatchback and SUV.

Utility or van includes small truck and vehicles used for commercial purposes.

Metropolitan rates

Vehicle type 1 month* 3 months 12 months
4 cylinder sedan or station wagon $60$180$660
Electric vehicle - sedan or station wagon $60$180$670
6 cylinder sedan or station wagon $70$215$820
8 cylinder sedan or station wagon $80$250$955
Utility or van mass less than 1,500 kg $80$240$915
Utility or van mass between 1,500 kg and 4,499 kg $100$300$1,150

*The approximate 1 month fee is only payable if on direct debit.

Country rates

Vehicle type 1 month* 3 months 12 months
4 cylinder sedan or station wagon $50$150$545
Electric vehicle - sedan or station wagon $50$150$545
6 cylinder sedan or station wagon $60$185$705
8 cylinder sedan or station wagon $70$225$840
Utility or van mass less than 1,500 kg $60$190$710
Utility or van mass between 1,500 kg and 4,499 kg $80$250$945

*The approximate 1 month fee is only payable if on direct debit.

Set up or manage direct debit

Renew vehicle registration

Register a new vehicle


Metropolitan rates

Vehicle type 1 month* 3 months 12 months
Motorcycle between 50 cc and 250 cc $25$75$270
Motorcycle between 251 cc and 660 cc $35$105$375
Motorcycle above 660 cc $35$110$400

*The approximate 1 month fee is only payable if on direct debit.

Country rates

Vehicle type 1 month* 3 months 12 months
Motorcycle between 50 cc and 250 cc $20$65$220
Motorcycle between 251 cc and 660 cc $30$90$325
Motorcycle above 660cc $30$95$345

*The approximate 1 month fee is only payable if on direct debit.

Set up or manage direct debit

Renew vehicle registration

Register a new vehicle

Trailers and caravans

Applies to light trailers or caravans with a GTM of 4.5 tonnes or less.

Metropolitan rates

Vehicle type 1 month* 3 months 12 months
Trailers - caravans, boat trailers etc $10$35$102

*The approximate 1 month fee is only payable if on direct debit.

Country rates

Vehicle type 1 month* 3 months 12 months
Trailers - caravans, boat trailers etc $10$35$102

*The approximate 1 month fee is only payable if on direct debit.

Set up or manage direct debit

Renew vehicle registration

Register a new vehicle

How the registration fee is calculated

Fee components

Compulsory third party insurance

CTP insurance protects the driver of a registered and insured vehicle against the financial impact of causing injury or death to other road users through the use of their vehicle anywhere in Australia. Visit the CTP Insurance Regulator website for more information.

CTP insurance is payable at the same time as you renew your vehicle registration.

You have the freedom to choose one of the CTP Insurers that best meets your personal needs, each time your registration renewal is due.

Each insurer’s policy coverage is the same, however, each insurer may charge a different premium for the same vehicle type. To help you make your choice, your registration renewal shows a comparison of each insurer's premium prices and a claimant service rating. Service ratings indicate how people injured in an accident and have made a claim rated the insurer's service.

Use the CTP premium calculator to find out the premium you will pay when you register your vehicle.

Lifetime support scheme

The Lifetime Support Scheme (LSS) levy is used to provide ongoing treatment, care, and support for anyone who suffers a serious lifelong disability from a motor vehicle accident in South Australia.

The amount of the levy is determined annually and is based on the estimated lifetime costs of providing treatment, care, and support to people who are seriously injured in that year.

The amount you pay is based on the CTP category of your vehicle. There is no concession applied to this component of overall registration costs because it applies to a class of vehicle rather than to the owner.

The Lifetime Support Authority website has information about eligibility, the type of support available, and how to access the scheme.

Emergency services levy

The emergency services levy is part of the total registration fee and funds the provision of emergency services in South Australia. Visit the Revenue SA website for more information.

Use the registration fee calculator to find out how much this is.

Goods and services tax

Transport fees in South Australia that attract goods and services tax (GST) include:

  • CTP insurance premiums
  • various miscellaneous payment transactions
  • commercial driving hour log books.

GST is not payable on:

  • the registration fee or stamp duty when making a registration payment
  • number plates
  • driver licences.

The receipts issued from the various payments that attract GST meet the requirements of a tax invoice. These receipts show the ABN of the department, the words 'tax invoice' and the amount of GST paid.

For more information contact the Australian Taxation Office Tax Reform Infoline on 13 24 78.

The Australian Business Number (ABN) for the Department for Infrastructure and Transport is 92 366 288 135.

Input tax credits

Registered businesses can claim ITC for GST amounts paid on CTP premiums.

When registering or renewing a registration, indicate whether the vehicle will be used for any purpose that entitles the owner to ITC.

If 'Yes' is selected on the application (ITC entitled), a tax invoice will automatically be provided on the receipt for payment of registration and CTP insurance (certificate of registration).

For more information contact the Australian Taxation Office Tax Reform Infoline on 13 24 78.

Other registration fees

These fees are effective from 1 July 2024.

Transferring registration

Transaction typeAmount*
Transferring registration within 14 days of acquiring the vehicle $31
Transferring registration after 14 days of acquiring the vehicle may include a late payment fee of $102$135

*Stamp duty may apply when transferring registration - use the stamp duty calculator.

Stamp duty doesn't apply for trailers or caravans with a GTM of 4.5 tonnes or less.

Transfer vehicle registration

Number plates

New or replacement number plate fees

Transaction typeAmount*
Replacement number plates eg plates have been damaged


New or replacement bike rack number plate


New personalised number plates - one off fee


New standard number plates (alphanumeric only) eg plates have been lost or stolen

$33 with a police report number

$64 without a police report number

New standard number plates (alphanumeric only) - if you purchase a secondhand car, last registered in SA, without number plates.


New custom number plates - annual fee

$235 for 1-6 characters

$300 for 7 characters

New premium number plates - one off fee

$259 for white characters on black background

$176 for black characters on white background

New R&S series number plates - one off fee


New Euro number plates - annual fee


Move number plates between vehicles - reallocation fee $31

*An additional postage and handling fee of $20 applies to have your plates posted to you.

Number plates

Late registration renewal

If your registration is due for renewal but has expired and you choose to re-register from the date of payment and update the expiry date, an additional $21 will apply.

Renew vehicle registration

Issue a replacement registration certificate

You no longer need a registration certificate if you're buying or selling a vehicle. You can complete a notice of disposal or transfer of registration online.

If you still require a replacement certificate, a fee applies. If you have a mySAGOV account, you can download a replacement for free.

Transaction typeAmount
Issue a replacement registration details certificate


Replace registration details certificate

Unregistered vehicle permits

This table provides a guide for unregistered vehicle permit fees. Actual amounts may vary slightly from the figures shown here.

Transaction type
Vehicle inspection - issued for one day $50
Trailer inspection - issued for one day $10
Relocation/repair of a vehicle - issued for up to 3 days depending on the nature of the repair or relocation
Relocation/repair of a trailer - issued for up to 3 days depending on the nature of the repair or relocation $31
Duplicate permit fee

Apply for an unregistered vehicle permit

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Page last updated 17 July 2024

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Department for Infrastructure and Transport
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