There are 2 ways to do a practical driving test:
- pass a vehicle on road test (VORT) with a qualified driving instructor that you have booked at least three days ahead
- complete a competency based training and assessment (CBT&A) with a qualified driving instructor, who will assess your competency in a series of practical driving sessions.
A fee is payable to the driving instructor for both tests.
Choosing a driving instructor or authorised examiner
Once you have completed the practical driving test or competency based training, you'll get a certificate of competency.
Vehicle on road test
The vehicle on road test will test your skills and knowledge as a safe and competent driver. Your test will take approximately 45 minutes and you will be required to demonstrate 5 low speed manoeuvres (move off on a hill, angle park, U-turn, 3-point turn and reverse parallel park) as well as a general drive. The general drive component will test your driving skills - eg changing lanes, turning on and from busy roads, turning at traffic lights, negotiating roundabouts, stop and give-way signs, your interaction with other road users and the system of car control.
To pass a VORT you must demonstrate 5 slow speed manoeuvres and in combination with the general drive score a pass mark of 90% or more and not breach any road law during the drive. Any breach of road law will result in an immediate fail and the test will be terminated.
If you are unsuccessful your instructor will debrief you on the reasons why. A copy of the test marking sheet will be given to you detailing your performance.
Vehicle on road test - MyLicence
Competency based training and assessment
Competency based training and assessment is a progressive assessment system. The training is designed to cover all aspects of good driving behaviour and the development of good driving attitudes.
The training allows you to learn at your own pace without a 'test' deadline. You are assessed as each task is completed.
There is no 'pass' or 'fail' when each task is assessed. If you are unsuccessful in any assessment, the Authorised Examiner can re-train you and then re-assess your performance within the same or a later driving lesson.
Successful performance in all 30 tasks will result in the training course being completed and a Certificate of Competency issued.
Competency based training and assessment - MyLicence