Hazard perception test (HPT)

The hazard perception test (HPT) measures your ability to recognise and respond to potentially dangerous situations on the road.

The actual test involves responding to film clips of real traffic situations. You will see what the driver would see. The dashboard shows you the speed you're travelling and if the indicators are operating.

You'll need to pass the HPT to apply for your P's or transfer your overseas driver's licence.

You'll be given questions to practise before the actual test starts to help you become familiar with how the test works.

Complete your HPT


To complete your HPT online, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your mySAGOV account using your web browser (not the mySAGOV app)

    Device tips

    • We recommend completing the online HPT on a computer rather than a mobile phone for the best experience.
    • If you're using Safari, make sure you unblock your pop-ups by going to Settings > Safari > Disable Block Pop-ups
  2. Select Enrol in hazard perception test from your account dashboard or the My services menu
  3. Pay the $35 fee to do the test
  4. Select Launch hazard perception test from the dashboard to begin the test.

You have 12 months from the date you enrol to complete the HPT. You can attempt the online HPT as many times as you need at no additional cost.

In person

If you prefer to complete the HPT in person or require a translator, you can complete the test at a Service SA centre.

To book, phone Service SA on 13 10 84. Testing times are 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

  • Tests can be taken at any Service SA centre except Regency Park.
  • Pay the $35 fee to do the test. Alternatively, this can be paid when you attend in person at a Service SA centre. The fee is charged each time you attempt the test.

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Page last updated 20 December 2024

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Department for Infrastructure and Transport
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