Driving interstate or overseas

Driving interstate

If you hold a South Australian driver's licence and have moved interstate, you must apply for a driver's licence in that state or territory within 3 months.

If you live in South Australia and are visiting another state or territory for a period of less than 3 months, you can drive using a valid South Australian driver's licence.

Driving overseas

If you intend to drive in another country, you may be required to apply for an international driving permit (IDP) or obtain a record of your licence so that you can apply for an overseas licence.

An IDP enables motorists to drive overseas without further tests or applications. They are required when renting a motor vehicle in many countries and are proof that you hold a valid driver's licence in your home country.

International driving permits:

  • are only valid for 12 months
  • contain a translation of your driver's licence in nine languages - English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Italian, German, Arabic, Swedish and French
  • must be accompanied by a valid driver's licence at all times
  • must be applied for before leaving Australia.

Applying for an international driving permit

You can apply for an international driving permit online or in person at an RAA office.

Note, the RAA cannot issue an IDP for an overseas licence holder. An IDP must be issued in the country where the licence was issued and should be applied for before coming to Australia.

Obtaining a record of your licence

If you plan to live overseas and wish to obtain that country's licence, you may need to get a driver licence report.

A driver licence report provides current licence status, issue date, classes, demerit points, offences and any licence enforcements - eg disqualification or suspension.

Example reports (340.5 KB PDF).

Before purchasing a Driver Licence Report, please check with the overseas licensing authority regarding its specific requirements for accepting documents.

Apply for a Driver licence report

Replacing a licence while interstate or overseas

If you're a South Australian licence holder currently located interstate or overseas and can't apply for a replacement licence online you need to apply for a photo-kit by writing to:

Service SA
Licence Services
GPO Box 1533
Adelaide SA 5001

Email: photolicenceclerk@sa.gov.au

Fax: 8226 7556 (from overseas +61 8 8226 7556)

Need help?

Contact Service SA

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Page last updated 14 September 2023

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Department for Infrastructure and Transport
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