Transfer an interstate driver's licence

If you have moved to South Australia and hold a licence in another state or territory, you must transfer to a South Australian licence within 3 months.

If you live in another state and you’re visiting South Australia for a period of less than 3 months, you can drive using a valid interstate licence.

How to apply

Take these items to a Service SA centre:

If you have a medical condition you may be required to complete a certificate of fitness.

A $20 fee will apply to transfer your driver's licence. You will also need to have your photo taken.

Your new licence will be of an equivalent class and have the same expiry date as your existing licence. You can extend the duration of your licence at the same time by paying the appropriate renewal fee instead of the transfer fee.

What happens next

After your licence has been transferred, you will be issued with a temporary licence. You can also download the mySAGOV app to add your digital licence to your phone.

You should receive your licence card in the post within 3 weeks.

If you don't receive the licence card within 3 weeks phone Service SA on 13 10 84. If you don't contact Service SA within 30 days, you may need to pay a replacement fee.

If you hold an interstate provisional licence

SA Provisional (P) licences are issued for 3 years (P1 for 1 year and P2 for 2 years) and are subject to conditions.

If you've held your P's for longer than 3 years (with a minimum 12 months on P1's) and are over 20 years old, you can apply for a full licence upon transfer.

If you hold an interstate learner's permit

You can transfer your interstate learner's permit to a SA learner's permit provided you're at least 16 years old.

Once you are issued your SA learner's permit, you must:

  • hold the learner's permit for a minimum 12 months (6 months if you're over 25). 
    • Your experience and time gained on your interstate learner's permit counts towards the SA minimum, but the remaining time left on your permit does not transfer. You'll need to pay the fee to be issued a new learner's permit.
  • Complete 75 supervised driving hours (with 15 night-time hours) and record them in your SA log book.
    • Interstate log book hours can be accepted provided they meet the same standards.
  • Pass a Hazard Perception test (HPT) and practical driving test.
    • If you have already completed a HPT interstate within the last 12 months, you won't need to resit. However, we may need to contact the relevant interstate authority to confirm your results.
    • Interstate practical driving test results cannot be transferred, so you will need to complete this test in SA.

If your learner's permit has expired by more than 12 months, you will need to pass a learner's test.

Find out more about the learner's stage.

Do you have a vehicle you're bringing into SA?

Transfer or register an interstate vehicle

Need help?

Contact Service SA

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Page last updated 4 February 2025

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