Reapply for a licence after disqualification

Some disqualifications may need you to reapply for your driver's licence once the disqualification has ended.

To check if you're eligible to reapply for your licence, phone Service SA on 13 10 84.

How to reapply

To reapply for your licence after your disqualification:

What happens next

You will be issued with a temporary licence or permit and your photo card will be posted to you.

Full licence holders

Probationary conditions may be applied to a driver's licence following a disqualification.

Probationary conditions generally apply for 12 months, but may be longer in some instances.

Provisional licence holders

If you were on a P1 licence when the offence that caused the disqualification was committed, you will be issued with a three year provisional licence subject to P1 conditions for one year and P2 conditions for two years.

If you were on a P2 licence when the offence that caused the disqualification was committed, you will be issued with a two year provisional licence subject to P2 conditions.

If you held a learner's permit when the offence that caused the disqualification was committed, you will be issued with a learner's permit. You will need to hold the learner's permit for a minimum period of three months and re-sit both a practical driving test and hazard perception test before being able to progress to a provisional licence.

Learner's permit holders

You will need to hold the learner's permit for a minimum of 3 months before being able to progress to a provisional licence.

If you passed the hazard perception test and a practical driving test but did not upgrade to your provisional licence prior to being disqualified, you are not required to undertake these tests again.

If you have already progressed to a provisional licence but held a learner's permit when the offence that caused the disqualification was committed, you will need to apply for a learner's permit and re-sit both a practical driving test and hazard perception test.

    Need help?

    Contact Service SA

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    Page last updated 12 July 2023

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