Sex and sexuality are an important part of health and wellbeing for people with disability. Your local GP is a good place to start to discuss sexual health issues. You can be referred to a specialist service if you need one. SA Health offers a range of sexual health services including face-to-face clinics and telephone help lines.
Sexual Healthline
The Sexual Healthline is a confidential service that you can phone if you would like to speak to someone about sexual health.
Phone 1300 883 793. Country callers phone 1800 188 171.
Healthline nurses can put you in contact with local health services if ongoing support is needed.
Therapeutic counselling
SHINE SA offers a therapeutic counselling service by professional sexual health counsellors for individuals, couples and families, including those with disability.
SHINE SA welcomes people who are intersex, gender diverse and of all sexualities.
Phone 8300 5300
Learn more about sexual health and disability
SHINE SA has resources about disability and sexual health. These include:
- sexual and reproductive health services for people with disability
- puberty information for parents of children with disability
- sex education tips for parents of children with disability
- friendships and dating advice.
Training for disability workers
SHINE SA provides training for disability workers to improve their knowledge around disability sexual health issues and relationships.
Sexual assault or abuse
If life is in danger, phone 000 (Triple Zero).
Anyone, regardless of age, sexuality, gender, culture, ability or religion can be sexually assaulted. Sexual assault is a crime, but it is important to remember that the person who is sexually assaulted is never to blame.
Sexual assault support services
Child abuse can happen to any child. If a child reveals abuse or neglect to you, the most important thing is to make sure they feel supported and safe.
Preparing to report child abuse or neglect
To report a reasonable suspicion that a child has been or is being abused or neglected, phone the Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) on 131 478.