Apply for a Companion Card

From 1 January 2025, South Australian Companion Card customers can request a free Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK).

MLAKs give people with special needs access to dedicated public facilities 24 hours a day, such as accessible toilets and Changing Places facilities.

Find out more about MLAKs or about Changing Places facilities.

A Companion Card is for people with significant and permanent disability. When a cardholder buys a ticket at participating venues and activities in South Australia, their companion or carer will be given free entry.

Who can apply

You can apply for a Companion Card if:

  • you live in South Australia or you reside here under a valid visa
  • you have a lifelong severe or profound disability
  • due to your disability you are unable to participate at most venues and activities without significant attendant assistance care with mobility, communication, self-care and planning.

Attendant care includes significant assistance with activities where the use of aids, equipment or alternative strategies do not enable you to carry out these activities independently. It does not include your companion providing only social company or reassurance.

The Companion Card is not issued to every person who has a disability. The list of indicators below provides guidance about the eligibility of different disabilities.

Medical indicators for Companion Card eligibility

Examples of accepted indicators

  • Severe Autism as defined by a CARS >37 or DSM V level 3Assessment
  • Autism in combination with intellectual disability
  • Moderate to severe intellectual disability as defined by a psychological assessment FSIQ <50
  • Down Syndrome
  • Significant and severe conditions that cannot be controlled by medication or other treatment or intervention
  • Uncontrolled epilepsy with frequent seizures - for example, more than weekly
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta
  • Spinal Injuries - high level assistance
  • Progressive neurological conditions where the level of impairment or dysfunction is significant and advanced
  • Cognitive issues where impairment is significant - for example, advanced dementia or severe ABI
  • Major organ failure where treatment or transplant surgery isn't possible
  • Combination of conditions in applicants who are 90+ years old
  • Legally blind, where visual acuity scores are less than 6/60 with corrected vision
  • Motor neurone disease
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Parkinson’s Disease with mobility problems

Examples of indicators that are not accepted when independent of other conditions

  • Conditions that fluctuate in the level of dysfunction
  • Mild (FSIQ 55 – 70) intellectual disability alone
  • Conditions that could be considered ‘episodic’ where the need for attendant care is just ‘in case’ (controlled epilepsy or cardiac arrest risk)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder or Asperger’s
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Psychiatric conditions that are likely to respond to treatment
  • Minor orthopaedic conditions (osteoarthritis or joint replacements)
  • Conditions that have the potential to or are likely to improve with time or treatment - for example, surgery, rehabilitation, recovery, training, or medication management
  • Conditions where the incapacity is temporary
  • Communication problems where aids or assistive technology can be used
  • People requiring assistance due to accessibility limitations of a particular venue
  • Obesity

How to apply

To apply for a Companion Card:

  • complete the application form (2.3 MB PDF)
  • provide 2 colour passport sized photos
  • provide supporting evidence such as:
    • contact details of support services - eg day programs and respite services
    • current reports from health professionals - eg doctor, psychologist, occupational therapist or social worker
  • post the completed application to:

SA Companion Card
Reply Paid 292
Adelaide SA 5001.

You can also get an application form from SA Companion Card.


SA Companion Card

Phone: 1800 667 110


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Page last updated 6 June 2024

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Department of Human Services
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