People can use a personal alert system to call for help if they are unable to use the phone in an emergency. Some newer systems can detect falls, keep working when you leave the house, and find your location in an emergency.
You can apply for help to pay for an approved system and for monitoring services.
If you were recently approved, find out what you need to do after approval.
How to apply
- Step 1
Seek a My Aged Care assessment
My Aged Care may fund your personal alert system through a Home Care Package or Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
Visit My Aged Care or call 1800 200 422 to seek an assessment for aged care services.
- Step 2
Check if you're eligible
To be eligible you must:
- be aged 75 years or older (65 years or older if you are Aboriginal)
- have a Centrelink or DVA Pensioner Concession Card
- be a permanent resident of South Australia
- meet the additional clinical, functional, and social requirements
- have sought an assessment from My Aged Care for aged care services and been assessed as one of the following:
- approved for a Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
- approved for a level 1 Home Care Package (HCP)
- not eligible for an HCP or CHSP.
- Step 3
Download the application form
Download the Personal Alert AssistanceSA - application form (917.0 KB PDF) or phone 1300 700 169 and ask for a form to be sent to you.
- Step 4
Complete the form with your registered health professional
Take your form to a registered health professional to complete and sign the relevant section.
You'll need your:
- Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA) file number
- My Aged Care (AC) ID.
- Step 5
Submit your application
Scan and email the form to
Processing delays will apply to applications received by post.
- Step 6
What to do after approval
Choose an alert system from an approved supplier
Contact your chosen supplier within 6 weeks of approval and provide them your purchase code from your approval letter.
Who is not eligible
- people who have not sought an assessment for aged care services from My Aged Care
- people approved for a level 2-4 HCP
- people who have rejected an HCP or CHSP
- people currently participating in the Transitional Care Programme (TCP)
- veterans or veterans' widows or widowers who are eligible under the DVA Rehabilitation Appliances Program
- DVA Gold Card holders
- people who live independently in a retirement village where a personal alert system or similar service is included in the residence contract
- people who live in supported accommodation, eg a supported residential facility or residential aged care facility.
National Broadband Network
The National Broadband Network (NBN) can affect people who use personal alert systems.
If your system still relies on the legacy copper network to make emergency alert calls, you must organise the migration of the existing equipment to an alternative technology (eg the NBN or a mobile network).
To ensure your system keeps working you must:
- contact your system provider or manufacturer to check if your system is compatible with the NBN
- tell your telephone provider (new or existing) that you have a system before you move to the NBN.
Personal Alert AssistanceSA
Phone: 1300 700 169
Interpreting and translating
Phone 1800 280 203 for the Interpreting and Translating Centre (ITC) o arrange an on-site or telephone interpreter, or to have a document translated.
Related information
Other websites
My Aged Care - Australian government