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Funeral AssistanceSA helps people who have experienced the death of a South Australian family member or friend to cover the costs of a funeral.
The funeral provided is normally a cremation service, except in certain cultural and religious circumstances.
Make sure you have notified Centrelink about the death. You might need to provide proof.
Complete the online Funeral AssistanceSA application form to apply for assistance.
Who can apply
The income, assets and liabilities of the deceased and their immediate relatives - spouse, parents, and adult children - are taken into account when assessing eligibility for assistance.
To be eligible, you must prove that the deceased:
- was a South Australian resident at the time of death
- received a pension or benefit, or had a low income
- has an estate and death benefits estimated at less than $4,000 when liquidated – including their house, personal property and shares
- has immediate relatives who:
- receive a pension or benefit, or have a low income
- do not have enough money to cover funeral expenses - less than $4,000 of accessible funds
- are not homeowners, or cannot borrow against equity in their home to pay for the funeral.
You must have exhausted all other options to raise funds or obtain credit.
The funeral must not have been already arranged or, where a grant is sought after the event, the account must be modest and not yet fully paid.
What you'll need
You'll need:
- current bank statements showing one month of transactions, from the deceased and all immediate relatives. If you do not have access to a bank statement for the deceased, you must provide their banking details.
- a copy of the deceased’s will, if there is one
- if the family is estranged, a statutory declaration to explain the circumstances.
What is covered
Funeral AssistanceSA offers two types of assistance.
Full contract funeral
This type of assistance is available if you have not contracted a private funeral director.
It provides a basic, dignified funeral, which includes:
- a weekday cremation service at a church or chapel approved by Funeral AssistanceSA, or a direct cremation if preferred
- a weekday burial (where culturally or religiously required)
- funeral director's fee
- crematorium fees
- cemetery fees
- a basic coffin
- hearse
- religious minister or celebrant's fee
- fees and charges for all legally required permits - not death certificate.
The deceased’s family or friends may pay for additional extras - eg flowers or a memorial book.
After-the-event assistance
A grant of up to $625 paid directly to the funeral director.
This type of assistance is available if you have already contracted a private funeral director and there is an existing debt. The funeral cost must be modest and you must have attempted to pay the debt.
If the funeral account has been paid in full, no assistance can be provided.
Other coverage for expenses
Funeral costs could already be covered another way, depending on the circumstances of the death.
If the deceased:
- died in a motor vehicle accident, funeral expenses may be covered by Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance.
Visit the CTP Insurance Regulator website or phone 1300 303 558 for more information. - was a victim of crime you can claim for funeral costs and a grief payment from the Commissioner for Victims' Rights.
Visit the Commissioner for Victims' Rights website or phone 7322 7007 for more information. - has superannuation or a life insurance policy, the beneficiary may be required to repay the costs of the funeral.
Funeral Assistance SA
Email: FuneralAssistanceSA@sa.gov.au
Phone: 1300 762 577
Interpreting and translating
To arrange an on-site or telephone interpreter, or to have a document translated, call the Interpreting and Translating Centre (ITC) on 1800 280 203.