Second-hand vehicle dealer licence

Second-hand vehicle dealers must have a licence if you buy, sell or offer for sale four or more vehicles in 12 months. Unlicensed dealers can be prosecuted and penalties include fines and imprisonment.

Search for a licence holder

Apply for a licence

You can also upgrade or change the conditions on your current licence.

You'll need to meet certain requirements and provide a range of documents.

After filling out the form, print and sign it, then scan and upload it.

If you need help, or can't complete the form, call 131 882.

What you'll need

Application fees

Who should apply

  • Sole traders.
  • Companies - the company and the manager must have separate licences.
  • Partnerships - each partner must have a separate licence.
  • Motor wreckers and crash repairers - even if you're only selling vehicles that can't be driven because they need repairs.

Interstate second-hand vehicle dealers working in SA (120.4 KB PDF)

Offences and convictions

You may not be able to register if you (or a director of the company) have been convicted of an indictable offence of dishonesty, or convicted of a summary offence of dishonesty within the past 10 years.

When you don't need a licence

You don’t need licence if:

  • you're a recognised credit provider and selling second-hand vehicles is a result of the business
  • you're an auctioneer selling on behalf of people who don't need a licence
  • you only sell vehicles that:
    • weigh more than 3,000 kg
    • are designed for agricultural or industrial use
    • can’t be used to transport on land - eg boats
    • are not powered by an engine - eg caravans.

What you'll need

Companies must nominate a manager who holds a second-hand dealers licence in their own name. This manager doesn't need to register an address or pay compensation fund fees.

Licence categories for second-hand vehicle dealers (84.6KB PDF)

Police clearance

Include  a copy of your National Police Certificate (NPC) no more than 12 months old with your application.

Apply for an NPC through:

You don't need a NPC if:

  • you're a director of a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange
  • you've lodged a NPC with CBS within the last year
  • you're an overseas resident and have never lived in Australia
  • you have held a licence within the last year and are applying for an equivalent licence
  • you have already supplied a NPC for a different licence issued under this Act.

Checks that confirm you can work with particular people - eg children - but don't include a criminal history, are not sufficient.


Fees include application and annual fee amounts. Dealers trading from more than one premises only need to pay one compensation fund fee each year.

Company - motor vehicle and motor cycle
+  compensation fund



Individual - motor vehicle and motor cycle
+  compensation fund



Company - motorcycle only
+  compensation fund



Individual - motorcycle only
+  compensation fund



If you're applying to act as a manager for a licensed dealer only, you're not required to pay the compensation fund fee (as a manager only, you can't trade in your own name).

What happens next

Licensed dealers can only run a business at the address registered for your licence.

CBS will email your licence number/s and client identification number.

You can print a certificate by searching using your licence number, select 'licence certificate' at the bottom, enter your client identification number and 'generate PDF'.

Changes affecting your licence

Contact CBS licensing


Phone131 882 and press 4

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Page last updated 31 October 2024

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Attorney-General's Department
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