Increase the number of approved gaming machines

The way gaming machine entitlements can be traded in South Australia has changed. Learn more about the new Gaming Machine Entitlement Exchange (GMEX).

Each gaming machine licence states the maximum number of gaming machines approved for a venue. The most any venue can have is 40 machines.

If less than 40 machines have been approved, you can apply to the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner to increase the maximum number of machines.

The commissioner will also consider whether you will need to complete a community impact assessment to make people who live, own property, or work in the local community area, aware of the proposed increase at your venue.

If you increase the number of gaming machines installed at your premises, you may need to redefine the gaming area. This includes if you intend to relocate or make alterations to the existing gaming area to allow for the additional machines.

There's no fee for this application.

Complete the form and upload your supporting evidence.

What happens next

Once we receive your application the commissioner will decide if it can determined on the information provided or you will need to complete a community impact assessment.

If your application is granted, you won't automatically be given additional gaming machine entitlements. To operate additional machines you'll need to purchase entitlements either through the government’s approved trading system, or under a contractual agreement with Club One.

Where licences are held by a non-profit association (ie club or community hotel), entitlements can be transferred to another non-profit association under an agreement approved by the commissioner to facilitate the merger or amalgamation of gaming machine operations for the benefit of both non-profit associations.

Contact CBS Liquor and Gaming


Phone: 131 882

GPO Box 2169
Adelaide SA 5001

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Page last updated 10 February 2025

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