A gambling provider can withhold winnings from you if:
- you're subject to a barring order
- a gaming machine, or a game being played on a machine, is not operating properly.
A gambling provider must request your name and address and advise you of your right to have the decision reviewed by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner.
Apply for a review
You can apply to the commissioner for a review of the decision to refuse to pay winnings within 14 days.
The commissioner will either confirm or revoke the decision.
The final decision can't be reviewed or changed.
A gambling provider must also withhold winnings from a minor who operates a gaming machine. Those winnings are forfeited to the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner for payment into the Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund.
A decision to withhold winnings from a minor is not able to be reviewed or changed.
Contact CBS Gambling Team
Email: gamblingadministration@sa.gov.au
Phone: 131 882 and select option 6
GPO Box 2169
Adelaide SA 5001
Personal barring queries
If you want to be barred or have questions about your barring phone or text 0427 051 300
For all other queries, including venue queries relating to barrings, phone 131 882.