Owning a boat

Whether you own a boat or are thinking about buying one, you need to know about:

  • registration
  • trailers
  • insurance
  • security.

This will help you make the most of your boat and ensure it complies with the law.

Buying a boat

Before buying a boat check that the vessel isn't under finance, or that it has been stolen or written off.

Registering a boat

Boats fitted with an engine must be registered to travel in South Australian waters. This includes sailing and rowboats fitted with an auxiliary engine.

  • If you are visiting from interstate and your vessel is registered in another State or Territory, your interstate registration will be recognised for a period of 90 days. After 90 days you will need to apply for registration in South Australia.
  • Membership on the Australian Register of Ships does not satisfy the registration requirement (this registration is for vessels travelling overseas).
  • When a registered motorboat is sold, the new owner must apply for transfer or new owner re-registration within 14 days.
  • To register a vessel in your name for the first time, you will need:

Operating a boat

To operate any vessel fitted with a motor, you must hold a recreational boat operator's licence. Children aged 12 to 15 years can apply for a restricted boat licence.

Boat licences

If you are visiting from interstate, your interstate recreational boat licence will be recognised for a period of 90 days. After 90 days you will need to apply for a South Australian boat licence.

Boat capacity

Refer to the information on the Australian Builders Plate (ABP) National Standard or the manufacturer's compliance plate, if one is fitted to your boat, to determine the maximum number of adults a boat can legally carry. The ABP also provides information about the maximum horsepower a boat is allowed.

Boat capacity - check your Australian Builders Plate - Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

Boat trailers

You and your boat trailer (539.7 KB PDF) is a comprehensive brochure that will provide you with legal requirements and hints and tips about your trailer. Download a print-friendly version (523.6 KB PDF).

For information regarding boat trailer standards, phone Vehicle Standards on 1300 882 248.

Remember to maintain your trailer in good working order and keep it registered to avoid delay or inconvenience when you want to go out on the water.


Insurance is completely voluntary but it is strongly advised that you take out some form of cover, particularly for liability against loss of life or serious injury.

Incidents that result in little or no property damage can still cause serious injuries and damage claims for personal injuries can amount to many thousands of dollars.

Without adequate third-party insurance, the consequences of a claim for personal injury or property damage could be personally disastrous and lead to financial ruin.

Insurance can be arranged through most insurance companies and is reasonably inexpensive.

Theft and security

Recreational boats are desirable targets for thieves and can be the subject of disputed ownership.

Proof of ownership provided when registering a boat helps to protect the security of your boat by making it harder to rebirth and register without appropriate documentation.

BoatCode is a unique identification system that helps to track your vessel if it is stolen. BoatCode is compulsory when registering a boat for the first time or changing ownership but all boat owners are encouraged to apply.

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Page last updated 14 May 2024

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Department for Infrastructure and Transport
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