The Department of Human Services (DHS) delivers strategies, programs and services that improve the wellbeing and safety of South Australians.
Chief Executive: Sandy Pitcher
Contact details
GPO Box 292
Adelaide 5001
- Aged care sector employment checks
- Apply for a Companion Card
- Apply for a screening check
- Apply for surplus government computers
- Birth certificates
- Check the progress of your application
- Continue an application
- Employer Working with Children Check applications
- General employment probity checks
- NDIS worker checks
- Screening checks
- Verify an existing check
- Vulnerable person-related employment checks
- Working with Children Checks
- Apply for surplus government computers
- Apply or update details for household concessions
- Check eligibility for public transport concessions
- Concessions for asylum seekers
- Cost of living concession
- Emergency services levy (fixed property) remission
- Energy bill concessions
- Funeral AssistanceSA
- GlassesSA
- Medical heating and cooling concession
- Personal Alert AssistanceSA
- Residential park resident concessions
- Water and sewerage rate concession