- Homepage
- Topics
- About SA
- Government
- Departments and agencies
- Attorney-General's Department
- Audit Office of South Australia
- Courts Administration Authority
- Defence SA
- Department for Child Protection
- Department for Correctional Services
- Department for Education
- Department for Energy and Mining
- Department for Environment and Water
- Department for Health and Wellbeing
- Department for Housing and Urban Development
- Department of Human Services
- Department of State Development
- Department for Infrastructure and Transport
- Department for Industry, Innovation and Science
- Department of Primary Industries and Regions
- Department for Trade and Investment
- Department of Treasury and Finance
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- Electoral Commission of South Australia
- Environment Protection Authority
- Equal Opportunity Commission
- Green Industries SA
- Legal Services Commission of South Australia
- Office for Early Childhood Development
- Office of Northern Water Delivery
- South Australian Country Fire Service
- South Australian Housing Trust
- South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service
- South Australian State Emergency Service
- South Australian Tourism Commission
- South Australia Police
- Contact government
- Make a freedom of information request
- Access to information and data
- Other government websites
- Departments and agencies
- Directories
- Today in SA
- Living in SA
- Services A to Z
- Government
- Boating and marine
- Boat and marine reporting
- Boat code agents
- Boat registration
- Boat compliance
- Check a registration
- First-time SA registration
- Renew boat registration
- Transfer boat registration
- Cancel registration
- Transfer an unregistered boat
- Register your boat to a club
- Boat registration numbers and certificates
- Boat Code identification system
- Find a boat code agent
- Apply for trade plates
- Boating and marine fees
- Commercial marine
- Licences and permits
- Marine forms and publications
- Moorings, marinas, ramps
- Owning a boat
- River Murray ferries
- Services list
- Business and trade
- Running a business
- Work and business licences
- Find business licences
- Check occupational licence holders
- Agriculture and aquaculture
- Building and trades
- Employment agent licence
- Environment
- Food business notification
- Insurance business registration
- Labour hire licence
- Mining and dangerous substances
- Real estate
- Security
- Tattoo industry regulations
- Tobacco
- Vehicles
- Wine export licence
- Supplier of lottery products
- Recognition of interstate and overseas licences
- Regulation
- Doing business with government
- Building industry
- Liquor
- Information for the general public
- Apply for a liquor licence
- When you don't need a liquor licence
- Short term liquor licence
- Restaurant and catering liquor licence
- Small venue liquor licence
- General and hotel liquor licence
- Club liquor licence
- On premises liquor licence
- Packaged liquor sales licence
- Liquor production and sales licence
- Short term (5 year) liquor licence
- Event endorsement for short term (five year) licence
- Residential liquor licence
- Interstate direct sales
- Responsible person in a licensed venue
- Running a licensed venue
- Vary an existing liquor licence
- Administrators taking over a licence
- Amalgamation of clubs
- Apply for an exemption
- Change, alter or redefine a licensed premises
- Clubs changing committee members
- Extend a trading area
- Landlord or mortgagee taking over a licence
- Prescribed entertainment consent
- Remove a liquor licence
- Suspend a liquor licence
- Surrender a liquor licence
- Transfer a liquor licence
- Unlicensed people in a business
- Vary conditions, hours or capacity
- Find a licence holder
- Local liquor accords
- Current liquor and gaming applications
- Gambling
- Information for the general public
- Codes of practice
- Advertisements, messaging and signage
- Apply for a gaming licence
- Vary an existing gaming machine licence
- Running a gaming machine venue
- Key responsibilities of gaming licensees
- BOEN system
- Barrings from gaming machine venues
- Gaming managers and employees
- Gaming machine licences and entitlements
- Advertisements, messaging and signage
- Trading round for gaming entitlements
- Operating gaming machines
- Trade promotions for gaming operators
- Gaming tax
- Refusal to pay winnings
- TITO tickets and residual gaming machine jackpots
- Sign up for e-notifications
- Racing, betting and bookmakers
- Trade promotions and lotteries
- Primary industries
- Care and support
- Disability
- Concessions and grants
- Foster care
- In-home care
- Carers
- Resources for Aboriginal people
- Driving and transport
- Services list
- Driver's licences
- Registration
- Vehicles
- Application forms and fact sheets
- Buying, importing or selling
- Inspections
- Vehicle standards and specifications
- Bonnet scoops
- Build a dedicated rally car
- Build a street rod
- Brake system test procedure
- Buses
- Campervans and motorhomes
- Cars
- Child restraint anchorages
- Common questions
- Compliance plate display exemption
- Convert to an electric vehicle
- Defective vehicles
- Driving lights
- Glass and panel carrying vehicles
- Hazardous projections
- Heavy vehicle engineering signatories
- Horse drawn carriages
- Imported passenger vehicles
- Individually constructed vehicles
- Internal padding
- Lane change manoeuvre test
- Left hand drive vehicles
- Left hand drive single trip exemption
- Light trailers and caravans
- Light vehicle engineering signatories
- Light vehicle mass re-rating
- Light vehicle modifications for people with disabilities
- Light vehicle seat alterations
- Loads and towing
- Motorised wheelchairs
- Miscellaneous vehicle standards exemptions
- Modify a light motor vehicle
- Motorcycles
- Number plate warning labels
- Oversize light vehicles
- Passenger vehicle wheel track list
- Seat belt safety
- Secure vehicle identification marking exemption
- Vehicle structure testing
- Window tinting
- Written off vehicles
- Fees and concessions
- Update your details
- Driving offences and penalties
- Road safety and traffic
- Heavy vehicles
- Driving heavy vehicles safely
- Getting a heavy vehicle licence
- Heavy vehicles on the SE Freeway
- National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
- Operating a heavy vehicle
- Agricultural vehicles
- Approved areas or routes
- Commodity freight
- Controlled access buses
- Dimension Restrictions map
- Emergency management permit based scheme
- Field trials
- Fitness to drive a heavy vehicle
- Heavy tow trucks
- Heavy vehicle access framework
- Higher mass limits
- Low and zero emission heavy vehicle trial scheme
- Low loaders
- Modifications to heavy vehicles
- Multi-combination vehicles
- Oversize and overmass vehicles
- Performance based standards vehicles
- Special purpose vehicles
- Telematics
- Transport of livestock
- Registering a heavy vehicle
- Subscribe to information updates
- Industry services
- Adelaide Metro
- Cycling
- Getting around with a disability
- Fuel pricing
- Education and learning
- Aboriginal education
- Children's health and wellbeing
- Disability and special needs
- Deaf and hard of hearing - children 0 to 5 years
- Deaf and hard of hearing - school children
- Speech and language impairments
- Disability support at preschool and school
- Access equipment and assistive technology
- Learning difficulties and disabilities
- Support for complex health needs or disability
- Respite care
- Early childhood, education and care
- Financial support
- Curriculum and learning in schools
- General information
- International students
- Schools
- Vocational education
- Universities
- Emergencies and safety
- Energy and environment
- Power outages
- Bills, help and rebates
- Retailers and contracts
- Energy advice for consumers and business
- Saving energy
- Reading your meter
- Safe energy use
- Energy Partners Program
- Design an energy efficient home
- Recycling and waste
- Environment and natural resources
- Family and community
- Births, deaths and marriages
- Community organisations
- Join a community organisation
- Managing a community organisation
- Fundraising for organisations
- Not for profit
- Associations
- Incorporated associations
- Unincorporated associations
- Incorporated Aboriginal associations
- Starting an association
- Running an incorporated association
- Rules in an incorporated association
- Committee member requirements
- Financial management
- Extensions or exemptions
- Winding up and ending an incorporated association
- Amalgamating associations
- Transferring an association's activities
- Involuntarily closing an association
- Complaints about incorporated associations
- Accessing records
- Check for registered associations
- Co-operatives
- Companies limited by guarantee
- Information and resources
- Libraries
- Parenting
- Planning ahead
- Wellbeing, safety and health
- Seniors
- Volunteering
- Housing and property
- Building, buying and selling
- Housing crisis help
- Renting
- Owning a property
- Housing for Aboriginal people
- Retired and assisted living
- Property development
- Property safety
- Rights and law
- Consumer rights
- Identity and personal information
- Rights and responsibilities
- Arrest and court
- Convictions
- Young people and the law
- Community corrections
- SA prisons
- Victims of crime
- Work and skills
- About SA
- Contact us