
This statement relates solely to the content of the website SA.GOV.AU. If you were directed to this page from another website, this statement does not apply to any content or function on the other site.

SA.GOV.AU has been developed by the Government of South Australia to ensure government services and information are readily available to as broad an audience as possible. This includes people with disability who may use assistive technology to read or listen to content on this site.

An accessibility audit has been completed by Vision Australia and SA.GOV.AU satisfied all Level AA success criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 specification.

Screen readers

All pages have been developed with a clean distinction between code and design. This is so screen readers and other accessible browsers have the best possible chance to read the site properly.

Browsers and devices

The site works with modern web browsers. If you experience problems when using Internet Explorer, check that you are not running in compatibility mode. Simply turn compatibility mode off, or try using a different browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox.

This site uses a responsive design that automatically adjusts to fit the size and type of device being used to access it - eg smartphone, tablet or PC.


This site contains a number of reference materials available for download. Publication-based documents are usually downloadable in both PDF and DOC formats.

PDF, or Portable Document Format, was originally designed for the print industry, enabling documents to be presented and printed consistently regardless of software or operating system. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a popular and free application or browser extension that enables PDFs to be viewed (and in some cases, altered or marked up) on a number of platforms.

DOC (or DOCX) files are word processing documents, most commonly created and opened in the proprietary Microsoft Word application. Various open source applications, such as Apache OpenOffice and Libre Office can open, import, save and export Word files. Google Docs also enables opening, editing and saving/exporting of .DOC and .DOCX files.

While Apple iPhones are able to open (view) both file types from the default Safari browser, other mobile devices may require other third-party apps (such as mobile versions of Acrobat Reader).

Other ways to receive services

Counter services

If you are having difficulties accessing services, visit a customer service centre or phone 13 10 84, and staff will assist you.

Contact Service SA online

Translation services

If you need information translated and you reside in South Australia, phone the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 and ask the operator to phone Service SA on 13 10 84.

Page last updated 31 October 2023

Provided by:
Government of South Australia
Last Updated:
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Copyright statement:
SA.GOV.AU is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © Copyright 2025