You can give feedback or make a complaint about a government school or preschool by following the steps on this page.
For independent (private) schools or preschools, contact them directly to find out about their process.
Your complaint or feedback may be about:
- the type, level or quality of service
- staff behaviour and decisions
- a policy, procedure or practice.
Translated versions of this information are available in 18 languages.
Giving positive feedback
Use the Department for Education's form to give positive feedback or make suggestions about a school or preschool:
Making a complaint
- Step 1
Contact the school or preschool
First, contact the relevant staff member at the school or preschool to try to resolve the issue. This is usually best done by email or phone. If you’re not sure who to contact, speak to their admin staff to find out.
If they’re unable to help, contact their leader. This could be a senior teacher, the principal or preschool director.
- Step 2
Raise the issue with the Department for Education
If you feel the issue couldn’t be resolved by the school or preschool, you can contact the Department for Education.
Their customer feedback team can give you information and advice and try to help work out a suitable solution.
Make a complaint to the department
Phone: 1800 677 435 (free call)
- Step 3
Lodge a complaint with the SA Ombudsman
If your issue still hasn’t been resolved, you have the right to refer your complaint to the SA Ombudsman.
Make a complaint to the SA Ombudsman
Phone: 1800 182 150 (free call)
Related information
Other websites
- Making a complaint to the SA Ombudsman - more information about how to make a complaint
Department for Education website
- Make a complaint about a school or preschool - more information
- Support for making a complaint - including a list of external support services
- Find a government school or preschool - locations and contact details
- Complaint management policy